
Two Felte/on's....Felten And Felton. Viewpoints and Discussion From Two Old War Horses

Monday, September 13, 2004

Not offended? Read on!

OK, I'm not supposed to "officially" blog on political issues due to my status as an Active Duty soldier. That having been said, I feel I must comment on something as -En...not SSG -En. OK?

Now...this whole Catholic Democrat (Jumbo Shrimp, Military Intelligence, et. al.) can one be a Catholic AND a Democrat? Inquiring minds want to know.

I know what you're going to say. I know that Cardinal What's-His-Face from the US said that hey, as long as you vote for the candidate for other *more important* issues, you can vote for anyone who supports the wholesale slaughter of babies. That's cool with us!

Sounds like someone needs to check out canon law. I'm just saying.

The Church I was raised in said, sometimes stridently, that killing babies was in fact completely not a kewl thing to do.

Now, you may ask, how can I, SSG -En, a soldier who has been in three different wars, claim that it's not a good thing when innocents are killed.

Because it never is a good thing.

One could make the argument that hey, these are babies and SSG -En killed adults. What's the difference?

Honestly, none. Life is life and I get on my knees and beg God's mercy every day.

However (and this may just be a rationalization), I believe that what I did (and continue to do) as a soldier "defend[ing] the Constitution of the United States (not the people, not the land...the IDEA of the USA) against all enemies, foreign and domestic" is not an evil thing. I swore an oath to God that I would do my best to be a defender of liberty and life.

OK, sorry, went off on a tangent there.

Basic message to all political types is this: Stop hiding behind religon and claiming God is on your side. Hitler did it. The Taliban did it. The false piousness of these guys makes me sick. They don't even follow their own religious beliefs, yet they want to cram abortion and gay marriage down our throats and cloak their agenda in "Christian acceptance".

Please stop. And on that note, I'll stop, too.


  • At September 14, 2004 at 10:13 PM, Blogger spagbals said…

    so i ended up at your site by accident, so hello, i am kate!

    but i have to say this. politicians hide behind religion at every possible turn. you think you might run for president (ever in your life) chances are you've been going to church weekly, not really cuz you need to care about god (necessarily), but the public would tell you to screw yourself if you didn't (which is odd, given the actual percentage of americans who bother with church themselves). we like to think of ourselves as religious agnostics (which makes no sense)--but as people who believe in god because we have to believe in something, and even if we arent so sure, we need to have a politician who believes in something.

    here's my point. you don't have to be a religious fanatic to believe in religion and base your view on it. bush says marriage is between a man and woman because bible says marriage is between man and woman. point taken. dems/left wingers say marriage should be between two people who love each other regardless of gender because it's unchristian to discriminate and tell those two people that their love is any less real then anyone elses. point taken.

    of course none of this would be an issue if there were an actual seperation of church and state, but as it is, a politician can't get anywhere without throwing god in somewhere. don't blame them if you don't like where, blame yourself because you've come to expect it.

    that's all i got for you. i wish you nothing but the best if you're still in active duty (and, i'd suppose, even if you aren't).

  • At September 15, 2004 at 6:07 AM, Blogger Don Diego de la Vega said…

    Welcome, Kate. Hopefully, it was a happy accident and we'll be seeing more of you here.

    Thanks for your comments. I'm conservative, but I like to think and open-minded one. You made some very good points. I think people expect to see their politicians at church because it gives them a touchstone to their own lives. What bothers me about it is the open duality, the "I'm showing my face here, so I'm one of you" mentality. Do you understand? I'm not claiming to be any great saint because I attend church. To be honest, there are points I don't agree on with my faith (none of which are serious enough to keep me from communion, though).

    You are absolutely 100 percent correct on a certain point. We shouldn't blame them. We should blame ourselves for allowing this to happen. We are nickel and diming our integrity and society away.


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