The Frogboy Croaks
The world's premire terrorist has died. The man responsible for Munich '72 and the rise of international terrorism finally has his day in hell. I'm sure Satan has some fun times planned for this one.
Clinton had some nice things to say. President Bush, however, didn't. I haven't heard how the French president feels. I'm pretty sure he's broken up, though.
How will the Palestinians react? Will they finally come to the realization that bombing buses will not bring about a lasting peace? Will Israel come to the bargaining table and finally stop building in Gaza? How will this affect the general disaster that is the peace process in the Middle East?
I won't miss him. Incredibly, he won the Nobel Peace Prize awhile back. That's not going to help much in Hades. As the Vodkapundit so delicately put it: "May his first day in Hell last 1,000 years".
Amen, brother.
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