44,000 and Counting
Want to help? Here's a list of charitible organizations accepting donations:
The Herath Foundation - 320.308.2189
The Minnesotan Indonesian Society - 952.882.8993
The Association for India's Development, Inc. - 301.422.4441
Action Against Hunger - 212.967.7800
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - 212.885.0867
American Red Cross (International Response Fund) - 1.800.HELP NOW
Baptist World Aid - 703.790.8980
Care USA - 1.800.521.CARE
Catholic Relief Services - 1.800.736.3467
Christian Children's Fund - 1.800.776.6767
Doctors Without Borders - 888.392.0392
Internation Red Crescent Society - (41).22.730.4222
Lutheran World Relief - 1.800.597.5972
Oxfam American Asia Earthquake Fund - 800.77.OXFAM
Save The Children - 800.728.3843
World Emergency Relief - 760.930.8001
Please open your hearts (and wallets) and give what you can.