
Two Felte/on's....Felten And Felton. Viewpoints and Discussion From Two Old War Horses

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Little Note

To the person who stole the "Support Our Troops" magnet off of the back of my car.

It is my fervent hope that there is a very hot place reserved for you when you expire, shake off this mortal coil, run up the curtain, and join the Choir Invisible.

You jerk.


  • At January 26, 2005 at 3:43 PM, Blogger Greg said…

    That's just disturbing, I've heard it's been going on though.

    It's about as morally advanced as stealing a quarter from a 3 year old just before they drop it into the Salvation Army bucket at Christmas time and then putting it in your self, telling everyone how much you donate and care.


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