How Many Resolutions Does It Take?
I’ve always felt that the U.N. Secretary-General, Kofi Annan was “one step beyond”, but this is just ridiculous. According to my favorite hot dog vendor (he sold hot dogs from a cart while a student at Macalaster College in Minnesota), the war in Iraq is naughty. “From our point of view and from the Charter point of view, it was illegal," Annan says.
Mr. Secretary-General….just how many resolutions does it take to get ANY action out of the U.N.? Should we call them “Good Ideas” instead of “Resolutions?”
“Peace in our time”? Is he channeling Neville Chamberlain?
I guess if he ran the U.S. the way he runs the U.N., we’d have capitulated to the Islamofascists. Of course, a John-John administration would put us in the same boat. The liberal internationalist agenda is always willing to surrender our sovereignty and self-determination to foreign “oversight”. Do you get uncomfortable when you think about U.S. troops fighting, nay, policing, under a U.N. flag? Protecting the interests of petty tyrants and tin-horn dictators across the globe? I know I do.
Back in July, nine members of the House of Representatives sent a request to the U.N. to monitor U.S. elections on November 2nd. I mean, wow.
How much longer do you think the Republic will last? Our lifetime? Our children’s? I wonder.
There’s a theory that says the Roman Empire fell due to the gradual lack of concern on the part of her citizens. What I mean by that is, the more liberal their laws became, the more concessions they gave to special interest groups, the more they compromised their principles, then the easier it was for the Empire to fall apart.
Something to think about.
At September 21, 2004 at 12:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
I totally agree. If Kerry gets in History is doomed to repeat itself. I hear people ask why we got involved in Iraq, I think that it's because we (the real Americans) feel that it is our responsibility to stand up for what we believe in. If we stop doing that, when someone gets up enough gumption to attack us again who will come to our aide? I know that if Gore had been the President that we would not have ended up in Iraq, but Iraq would have ended up here. I personally believe that no self-respecting person could be a Democrat. Because it's not self respect that they have, it's selfishness. I have decided that: If you're Republican, then you are genuinely concerned for the welfare of the greater good. If you are a Democrat, then you are genuinely concerned with "what's in it for me? How will this advance me? Me! ME! MEEE!"
My husband is in the UTARNG, and he volunteered to go. He believes in this Country, our President and all that they stand for, Freedom. He is willing to put his life on the line so that others may have freedom as well. We got our weapon of mass destruction, my neighbor was on the team that help interrogate him. If Bush hadn't been in office, we would have found the weapons of mass destruction by being on the receiving end....
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