
Two Felte/on's....Felten And Felton. Viewpoints and Discussion From Two Old War Horses

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Stirrups and the Blogosphere

I do most of my thinking in the car. It was a day off today, so I drove to my brothers' house (via the coffee-house of my old Ops Sgt) and it occurred to me that the significant strategic mistake that the liberals who control the Democratic party have made was to ignore the paradigm shift in technology (my wife thinks that it's safe to give this G-2 up, since they don't read us, and wouldn't understand anyway). When the stirrup was invented, it revolutionized warfare. You could now steady yourself in the saddle, which meant that your weapons would be more accurate at longer range. You had the first "Stand-Off" capability, which is the very thing that makes the M1A, and it's derivations the most lethal tank in the fight.

"Is he going somewhere with this?"

The Blogospere is the stirrup. It is increasingly where curious, smart people shop for news. It is more than the sound-bite, taken out of context and shaped for your consumption in a way that pleases the big money media. It is a soldier in Iraq, a farmer in Iowa, a student tired of academicians who pontificate from the tenured position that hides them from the real pain in the real world. Liberals choose not to acknowledge it. They deny and make counter-accusations, believing that in our hearts we really adore them and want them to tell us what is best for us. They rely upon the loyalty of special interest groups; groups whose interests clash with other groups liberals claim to support. They claim, like Teresa Kerry, to be 'African-American" (she was born in South Africa, and raised by maids). They claim that they will be accountable. Where was Ted Kennedy when Mary Jo Kopechne was drowning in his car at Chappaquiddick? How long would he have remained out of jail if there had been blogs when he ran away from the watery murder of a girl he was trying to shag on the beach? Has he ever made himself accountable? He received a traffic citation. Murder, and even Manslaughter, has no statute of limitations. The evidence is out there. Check the blogs.

John Kerry confessed to Congress that he committed a variety of War Crimes in Vietnam. Is he accountable now? No statute of limitations for those crimes either. Makes me smile to think of the conflict in the hearts of the ACLU trying to decide where to sit in those courtrooms.

The truth can punish liars. The blog will reveal what is hidden. A.M. radio has widely credited bloggers with providing the facts that identified the faked documents CBS would like to forget. Where the L.S.A.H.'s (-en can translate...) have erred is their failure to understand that people have an alternative to the groomed-for-their-advertisers-network news. When Dan Rather lies, the blogoshere responds by rolling him and making Viacom stock act like a U-boat in the summer of '44. Ah-ooogah!



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