Just A Few Things Before I Go
The debate (and ensuing commentary from our friends on the left) the other night left me with a couple of thoughts rattling around in my head. Let me get these off my chest before I leave for Fort Polk.
Some people automatically assume that John Kerry is smarter than George Bush.
Granted, Kerry and the President both graduated from Yale. Bush, however, went to Harvard and attained an MBA in business. The last time I checked, they aren't giving those away.
Mr. Bush is also the first POTUS with an MBA.
Kerry is a better public speaker. I willingly concede that point. The President will never win a Toastmasters award.
There were many famous people who were not graced with a silver tongue. Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein leap to mind.
President Bush flew Interceptors during the Vietnam era. The plane he flew, the F-102, was notoriously slow and difficult to handle. It was a real bitch getting it fast enough to catch up to the Soviet bombers prior to stalling out. The pilot had to be quite skilled and adept.
One more thing: no matter how much Kerry wants to have "bilateral talks" with North Korea, it's not going to happen, folks. The second he tries that little number, the PRK will walk from the table. We're going to need the pressure of China and the rest of Asia on this one.
Personally, I don't think that will pass his "Global Test".
I think he meant "French Test".
Some people automatically assume that John Kerry is smarter than George Bush.
Granted, Kerry and the President both graduated from Yale. Bush, however, went to Harvard and attained an MBA in business. The last time I checked, they aren't giving those away.
Mr. Bush is also the first POTUS with an MBA.
Kerry is a better public speaker. I willingly concede that point. The President will never win a Toastmasters award.
There were many famous people who were not graced with a silver tongue. Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein leap to mind.
President Bush flew Interceptors during the Vietnam era. The plane he flew, the F-102, was notoriously slow and difficult to handle. It was a real bitch getting it fast enough to catch up to the Soviet bombers prior to stalling out. The pilot had to be quite skilled and adept.
One more thing: no matter how much Kerry wants to have "bilateral talks" with North Korea, it's not going to happen, folks. The second he tries that little number, the PRK will walk from the table. We're going to need the pressure of China and the rest of Asia on this one.
Personally, I don't think that will pass his "Global Test".
I think he meant "French Test".
At October 4, 2004 at 1:00 PM,
Don Diego de la Vega said…
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the criticism and I applaud your convictions.
I admitted in my posting that Kerry is a better public speaker than the President. That goes without saying.
I need a little perspective on what you're saying. I don't quite follow your points.
How does "•We can outcompete with anybody. New York, Mar. 11, 2004", for example, shine as an example of his supposed limited intellingence? Did I not say that he's no silver tongued devil?
I'm sure that if you look hard enough, you'll find "Bushisms" in some of Mr. Kerry's speeches as well. "I actually voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it" isn't exactly "Friends, Romans, Countrymen" material.
Good luck with your boy. I'm sure he'll do you proud in the next debate. Sorry I won't be near a TV to see it!
Take care,
This liberal questions G.W’s intelligence because of the examples below. It makes him look stupid despite his credentials.
•There's a lot of signs that the economic plan we put in place are working. George W. Washington, D.C., Mar. 23, 2004
•There's other things we need to do, as well. We need to worry about the cost of health care. George W. Pennsylvania, Mar. 15, 2004
•We can outcompete with anybody. New York, Mar. 11, 2004
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