
Two Felte/on's....Felten And Felton. Viewpoints and Discussion From Two Old War Horses

Friday, September 24, 2004


My wife, the ever beautiful Mrs. –en, has had some issues at work. It seems that everyone assumes she’s a Democrat. She fits what the Democrats feel is "their" demographic. She works in downtown Minneapolis. The company she works for attracts people of a “liberal persuasion.” She’s a minority (a Filipina).

What people don’t take the time to learn is that she’s a devout Catholic. In her eyes, a vote for John Kerry (or any Democrat) is a vote to kill a baby.

She works hard for her money. She understands the value of a dollar and doesn’t easily give it to the government.

It’s quite funny to hear what happens to her throughout the day. How people will start conversations with her, assuming from her skin tone that she’s “oppressed.” Their smug and condescending attitude toward someone from a poor country. “Well,” they think to themselves, “she must be one of us, I mean, she’s brown.”

If they only knew how much more conservative she is than I.

Our children will never go to public school because they teach that Islamic militants have a legitimate right to be heard. That is, if you can hear anything after they blow up your school.

They teach that “under God” are two words that should never be spoken. That Israel doesn’t have the right to defend herself. That public school teachers should be allowed to pass anyone they wish in order to make the school and district look good.

These things drive her nuts. But not as much as when people assume she’s a Democrat. That really gets her dander up. Co-workers she barely knows will approach her and initiate mindless liberal chatter. She sets her teeth on edge and nods along dumbly. She isn’t one to offend. Besides, the people who start these “conversations” only want to hear themselves talk,anyway. They are hoping to find someone who won’t take up a contrary position. Mrs. –en could blow their arguments out of the water, but she has to work with these people every day. She just does the silent scream inside her head and wishes they would keep their opinions and politics to themselves.

Just like she does.


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