
Two Felte/on's....Felten And Felton. Viewpoints and Discussion From Two Old War Horses

Monday, September 20, 2004


Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
Why are the Liberals so mad? I'm not talking about simple anger, I'm talking about the incensed hatred that inspires union workers to attack a 3 year-old. I know, I said I wasn't going to go on about it, especially since I can't improve on Tony's post, but I had to say something on the matter.

Which brings me to Dawn. I've recently started a correspondence with this insightful and intelligent person. She has a blog, which you can find on MySpace. Her posts are always worth reading.

Dawn has quite a site. She pulls no punches when it comes to Liberals in general and Kerry specifically. As a result of this, she has drawn some fire.

Hate mail, I guess is the more accurate term.

In our society, nothing is accomplished by screaming and shouting. Compromise is how things get done in civilized and polite company.

What happened to discourse? Republicans can be just as guilty, and I'm not arguing that point. However, the real hatred seems to be coming from the Left these days. Blind, red rage. I don't get it.

After some thought, I'm going to include these three emails Dawn received over the last few days. I refuse to edit them, for obvious reasons (you'll see what I mean once you start reading them). These three just happen to be from females. Here they are. Enjoy.

1. lol you are a stupid bitch, i dont give a fuck if you blocked me and yeah have a good weekend and thank our troops for that? roflmao!!!!!!!!! fuck that cuz if it wasnt for that homo bitch hick redneck george bush and his faggot son starting a war they wouldnt be over there anyways! so STFU you stupid bitch and suck a dick whore hahaha and i know you know who this is

2. You suck you fucking hick.... keep supporting Bush and soon enough you will be dead in Iraq... dumb bitch

3. omg omg omg bush is the biggest douche bag!!! i don't understand how you actually believe that the only reson that we're in iraq is to free the iraqi citizens. bush doesn't give a rat's ass about those people, he just had a grudge on sudam because he tried to hurt his daddy when he was in office. look at all the shit he has started in just 4 short years, just think how much deeper of a hole he could get us into in 4 more! BTW, you can stop preaching about us keeping our freedom. we've got it and its not going anywhere. you don't see iraw coming up on our boarders and threatening our freedom do you? just think about what this guy who can't even chew his food by himself is capeable of screwing up: a whole lot of stuff that i think is just fine here.
a kerry supporter

Wasn't that fun? My wife, the delightful and charming Mrs. -en, suggested that Dawn not do anything but send them back to the people who sent them to her on November 3rd. You know, after John-John give their concession speech. Make sure she attaches the .avi file of the tearful moaning and gnashing of teeth.

See why I married her? Her life is an interesting story as well. I'll share that later in the week.

I remember the Clinton trials and the ensuing circus. The accusations, counter-accusations, et al. It was a disaster. What is this? An intelligent, polite debate of the issues seems beyond our grasp. Reason is thrown out the window in favor of this bile-spewing babble. Are we simply incapable of argument these days?

Can't we all just get along?


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