
Two Felte/on's....Felten And Felton. Viewpoints and Discussion From Two Old War Horses

Thursday, September 30, 2004


Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
Tonight, at 8:00 CST, our choices go head-to-head, mano-a-mano, ketchup vs. oil. I have to admit, I have more than a passing interest in this one. I can't wait to hear Johnny explain his voting record...for or against? What do you believe exactly? Is there anything you honestly support or oppose, or are you following polls and votes?

I think the real debate would be Mrs. Bush against Mrs. Kerry. Isn't Terreezzaa a sight? Who wouldn't want her gracing the White House? Hosting state dinners? Meeting heads of state? She is a true picture of beauty and style, no doubt about it.

Hopefully the issues will be discussed in an atmosphere of good will...who am I kidding? I hope President Bush utterly destroys that creep.

Thursday Diversion

CMorishita, originally uploaded by schadenfreude. was something I was going to say, but I seem to have forgotten...

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Any Colour You Like.....

orange, originally uploaded by schadenfreude.

To borrow a Dark Side of the Moon track. That is definitely a shade you don't see in nature. Orange? Burnt Umber? What say you, Crayola Man? Spray-On Tans of the World, unite!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The John Kerry Center For International Studies

Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
I sure hope Senator Kerry wins the election. He's a real smarty. He's going to give nuclear material to...IRAN. Looking for a "more sensitive" approach to a member of the Axis of Evil, no doubt. Wait, it gets better:

"Kerry holds out some hope that a negotiated solution with Iran is possible. He said the United States and other nations should 'call their bluff' by offering nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes, then taking back the spent fuel so it can't be used for weapons."


"If that process fails, the United States could try to ensure that the International Atomic Energy Agency takes the issue to the U.N. Security Council, where Iran could face sanctions."

Yes, you read that right. Go ahead and read it again, I'll wait.

Neat, huh? Take back the spent fuel. They're going to give that up....uh huh.

And when Iran does the inevitable, he'll go running to the U.N. and ask for sanctions. Those never enforced, teats-on-a-boar-hog sanctions.

Works for me.

Monday, September 27, 2004


This weekend, I said farewell to some of the members of my unit. We are sending a company to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Although the war in Iraq is still going on, we have a commitment to the Afghan people and government.

It was hard to see them off. I spent the better part of last year with many of them in Iraq. Now, I'm the company training NCO and assistant battalion S-3 NCO. I lucked out this time by not being selected to go. In a way, I'm relieved. I've been to Iraq twice and Somalia once. I'm not the same gung-ho NCO I was when I was stationed at Bragg.

In another sense, I'm sad that I'm not going. It is hard to see your buddies off into the unknown. I stood at the door of the bus, shaking everyone's hand, hugging others. It was sad, bittersweet, and a little scary. I pray that everyone comes back O.K. and that there are no issues with the deployment. They are now at the mobilization station, getting shots, screening records, qualifying with their weapons, etc. I miss every one of them already.

We are a Psychological Operations Battalion in an Army Reserve unit (Felton and I are the handful of Active Duty soldiers among them). For those of you not familiar with PSYOP, you probably think of us as the “propaganda guys”. Kinda sorta. We like to think of ourselves as the marketing division of the U.S. Army. Our mission is to sell U.S. policy to a foreign “target audience”. Our battlefield mission is what you are most likely familiar with. We make and drop the leaflets, produce and transmit television and radio spots, make posters, disseminate information. We support the battlefield commander with loudspeaker broadcasts. We work in Prisoner of War camps, gleaning information that will save lives in combat. We are a force-multiplier.

Don’t believe the liberal media. To them, we are a load of uneducated hicks straight off the farm. Miscontents and ne’er-do-well’s who had to choose between the Army and jail. Losers who could not and would not hold down a job to save their lives. Dupes. Cannon fodder. Idiots who found a home in the service of their betters.

Most of the people I have the honor to serve with are highly intelligent. Many are college-educated or working on degrees. Several more (including me) are current or former police officers. We live, fight and train as a team.

We are a family.

While I’m on the subject, the liberals are also having fun with something they call a “backdoor draft”. Just what in the blue hell are they on about?

This is an all-volunteer force, truly the best of the best. We all swore an oath to God. We knew the risks when we joined. All service members incur an eight-year obligation when they sign on the dotted line. There are many ways to serve. 4 years active, 4 years Reserve or National Guard is one of the more popular options. Liberals starting this scare are most assuredly the fools, not the Soldiers. We know what we are getting into. If you’re joining the military and not reading your contract, woes be on your ass. I mean really, would you buy a car or a home and not read the fine print? The only people I can think of that would do such an idiotic thing and then piss and moan about it would be Democrats. They cry when things don’t go their way ALL THE TIME. Think Florida. Is that a dangling chad I see before me?

So, may God protect everyone in my unit who deployed this weekend. I look forward to seeing your happy, smiling faces and hearing your war stories when you get back.


Sir Winston
Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
So, another three human beings had their heads cut off with a knife this week. I wonder what kind of savage could actually do that to another person? How can someone sit there and listen to the screams? How can someone do this to a child's father or a mother's son? Do these people have no sense of human decency?

As time goes by, we seem to be losing our shock and disgust at these barbaric acts. I was debating with myself over whether I should post this. The ever-resourceful Felton came across this last week and gave it to me. I finally made the decision to post it after the latest spate of beheadings and at the urging of my good friend Veronica. So, without further ado, Sir Winston Churchill and his take on our nemesis:

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

"Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."

Sir Winston Churchill, speaking on the Sudan, 1899

A little direct, huh? I thought so, too. Perhaps even racist. At first blush, yes, definitely. Then I came to the conclusion that he was a product of his time. A great man, no doubt about it. First Sea Lord, Prime Minister, historian par excellance. But definitely a man of his generation. Queen, Country, Empire.

We all know that all Muslims are not the rabid hate mongers we hear about in the news. We have friends who are followers of the Prophet. They abhor violence and wish no ill to anyone.


Why is this not happening? Why won't the moderate Muslims denounce the violence? Why aren't our "friends" in the Arab world helping us in this fight against oppression, hatred, and fear?

Someone please clue me in. And before you answer, think about your reaction when the towers fell, a plane smashed into the Pentagon, and passengers fought to the death on another plane and barreled it into the ground rather than allowing fanatics to crash it into the White House.

Friday, September 24, 2004


My wife, the ever beautiful Mrs. –en, has had some issues at work. It seems that everyone assumes she’s a Democrat. She fits what the Democrats feel is "their" demographic. She works in downtown Minneapolis. The company she works for attracts people of a “liberal persuasion.” She’s a minority (a Filipina).

What people don’t take the time to learn is that she’s a devout Catholic. In her eyes, a vote for John Kerry (or any Democrat) is a vote to kill a baby.

She works hard for her money. She understands the value of a dollar and doesn’t easily give it to the government.

It’s quite funny to hear what happens to her throughout the day. How people will start conversations with her, assuming from her skin tone that she’s “oppressed.” Their smug and condescending attitude toward someone from a poor country. “Well,” they think to themselves, “she must be one of us, I mean, she’s brown.”

If they only knew how much more conservative she is than I.

Our children will never go to public school because they teach that Islamic militants have a legitimate right to be heard. That is, if you can hear anything after they blow up your school.

They teach that “under God” are two words that should never be spoken. That Israel doesn’t have the right to defend herself. That public school teachers should be allowed to pass anyone they wish in order to make the school and district look good.

These things drive her nuts. But not as much as when people assume she’s a Democrat. That really gets her dander up. Co-workers she barely knows will approach her and initiate mindless liberal chatter. She sets her teeth on edge and nods along dumbly. She isn’t one to offend. Besides, the people who start these “conversations” only want to hear themselves talk,anyway. They are hoping to find someone who won’t take up a contrary position. Mrs. –en could blow their arguments out of the water, but she has to work with these people every day. She just does the silent scream inside her head and wishes they would keep their opinions and politics to themselves.

Just like she does.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Thursday Diversion

tie, originally uploaded by schadenfreude.

How to tie a tie, step 1.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Embrace Your Inner Tree Hugger

Feel like saving something? How about your favorite icon?


cbs, originally uploaded by schadenfreude.

Who, us?

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Red Star

The Minneapolis Star and Sickle (Star-Tribune, for you out-of-towners) ran a piece yesterday that seemed to reflect their new tack. Now, rather than highlight the differences between them and the rest of America, they say that "The old stereotypical red and blue is no longer accurate, you might be a Democrat". Yes, and perhaps I woke up with gills and fins, too.

When your own philosophy makes your position finally emerge as ridiculous, you can do one of many things. So far, what we've seen from the Dems is that they ignore the issue and make loud, silly counter-accusations. "If it's fake, it's still accurate in it's substance".

Now, apparently the game is afoot, only we are not supposed to see the wolf in sheeps' clothing. (Hey I'm not a wolf, it's a skin condition, and if you mention it again, I'll take you to court for violations of my civil rights. If I was a wolf, by the way, it's my right to be one, and you must help me to be that wolf.) Democrat rise, and shift to your right. Once you have shifted, claim that you have always been conservative. It is those other guys who made us look liberal.

I say stick to your guns. Let them play play...well not doctor (they're busy with medical malpractice) or house (I say that a democrats place is not in the house, or the senate), but perhaps something like Candyland or Uncle Wiggly. Sooner or later, their party will stage a nice purge and they will offer America a credible candidate.


Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
So, CBS today admits they'd been duped. Well, we weren't. The entire country knows a bad joke when it sees one. It's kind of funny...Rather claims both he and CBS are "fair and balanced".


Isn't Rather's daughter a political activist for the Democratic Party in California? Hasn't Danny been the keynote speaker at Democratic functions? How can he claim to be unbiased? What, exactly, is his agenda? Remember when journalists looked for the truth? Remember when journalistic integrity was the rule rather than the exception? Who was the last journalist who didn't have an agenda? Ernie Pyle?

The "Bloom County" comic strip I've included in this post I got from Denny's website. What's interesting about this particular gem is that it's 15 years old.

I hear "Fake, but Accurate" is CBS' new motto.

Poor Dan. He's always been willing to do, or say, anything for a story.

Monday, September 20, 2004


Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
Why are the Liberals so mad? I'm not talking about simple anger, I'm talking about the incensed hatred that inspires union workers to attack a 3 year-old. I know, I said I wasn't going to go on about it, especially since I can't improve on Tony's post, but I had to say something on the matter.

Which brings me to Dawn. I've recently started a correspondence with this insightful and intelligent person. She has a blog, which you can find on MySpace. Her posts are always worth reading.

Dawn has quite a site. She pulls no punches when it comes to Liberals in general and Kerry specifically. As a result of this, she has drawn some fire.

Hate mail, I guess is the more accurate term.

In our society, nothing is accomplished by screaming and shouting. Compromise is how things get done in civilized and polite company.

What happened to discourse? Republicans can be just as guilty, and I'm not arguing that point. However, the real hatred seems to be coming from the Left these days. Blind, red rage. I don't get it.

After some thought, I'm going to include these three emails Dawn received over the last few days. I refuse to edit them, for obvious reasons (you'll see what I mean once you start reading them). These three just happen to be from females. Here they are. Enjoy.

1. lol you are a stupid bitch, i dont give a fuck if you blocked me and yeah have a good weekend and thank our troops for that? roflmao!!!!!!!!! fuck that cuz if it wasnt for that homo bitch hick redneck george bush and his faggot son starting a war they wouldnt be over there anyways! so STFU you stupid bitch and suck a dick whore hahaha and i know you know who this is

2. You suck you fucking hick.... keep supporting Bush and soon enough you will be dead in Iraq... dumb bitch

3. omg omg omg bush is the biggest douche bag!!! i don't understand how you actually believe that the only reson that we're in iraq is to free the iraqi citizens. bush doesn't give a rat's ass about those people, he just had a grudge on sudam because he tried to hurt his daddy when he was in office. look at all the shit he has started in just 4 short years, just think how much deeper of a hole he could get us into in 4 more! BTW, you can stop preaching about us keeping our freedom. we've got it and its not going anywhere. you don't see iraw coming up on our boarders and threatening our freedom do you? just think about what this guy who can't even chew his food by himself is capeable of screwing up: a whole lot of stuff that i think is just fine here.
a kerry supporter

Wasn't that fun? My wife, the delightful and charming Mrs. -en, suggested that Dawn not do anything but send them back to the people who sent them to her on November 3rd. You know, after John-John give their concession speech. Make sure she attaches the .avi file of the tearful moaning and gnashing of teeth.

See why I married her? Her life is an interesting story as well. I'll share that later in the week.

I remember the Clinton trials and the ensuing circus. The accusations, counter-accusations, et al. It was a disaster. What is this? An intelligent, polite debate of the issues seems beyond our grasp. Reason is thrown out the window in favor of this bile-spewing babble. Are we simply incapable of argument these days?

Can't we all just get along?

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Stirrups and the Blogosphere

I do most of my thinking in the car. It was a day off today, so I drove to my brothers' house (via the coffee-house of my old Ops Sgt) and it occurred to me that the significant strategic mistake that the liberals who control the Democratic party have made was to ignore the paradigm shift in technology (my wife thinks that it's safe to give this G-2 up, since they don't read us, and wouldn't understand anyway). When the stirrup was invented, it revolutionized warfare. You could now steady yourself in the saddle, which meant that your weapons would be more accurate at longer range. You had the first "Stand-Off" capability, which is the very thing that makes the M1A, and it's derivations the most lethal tank in the fight.

"Is he going somewhere with this?"

The Blogospere is the stirrup. It is increasingly where curious, smart people shop for news. It is more than the sound-bite, taken out of context and shaped for your consumption in a way that pleases the big money media. It is a soldier in Iraq, a farmer in Iowa, a student tired of academicians who pontificate from the tenured position that hides them from the real pain in the real world. Liberals choose not to acknowledge it. They deny and make counter-accusations, believing that in our hearts we really adore them and want them to tell us what is best for us. They rely upon the loyalty of special interest groups; groups whose interests clash with other groups liberals claim to support. They claim, like Teresa Kerry, to be 'African-American" (she was born in South Africa, and raised by maids). They claim that they will be accountable. Where was Ted Kennedy when Mary Jo Kopechne was drowning in his car at Chappaquiddick? How long would he have remained out of jail if there had been blogs when he ran away from the watery murder of a girl he was trying to shag on the beach? Has he ever made himself accountable? He received a traffic citation. Murder, and even Manslaughter, has no statute of limitations. The evidence is out there. Check the blogs.

John Kerry confessed to Congress that he committed a variety of War Crimes in Vietnam. Is he accountable now? No statute of limitations for those crimes either. Makes me smile to think of the conflict in the hearts of the ACLU trying to decide where to sit in those courtrooms.

The truth can punish liars. The blog will reveal what is hidden. A.M. radio has widely credited bloggers with providing the facts that identified the faked documents CBS would like to forget. Where the L.S.A.H.'s (-en can translate...) have erred is their failure to understand that people have an alternative to the groomed-for-their-advertisers-network news. When Dan Rather lies, the blogoshere responds by rolling him and making Viacom stock act like a U-boat in the summer of '44. Ah-ooogah!


Friday, September 17, 2004

Why Am I Not Suprised?

Check out Tony's blog from yesterday entitled "Democrats Make Baby Jesus Cry". Absolutely sickening.

I would have blogged it here, but he's one of the Masters and I can't improve on the story.

Driving And Other Manners

Originally uploaded by
Part I.
Damn! How a person merged into traffic used to be an indicator of how they merged into life among the masses. A guy could count on his neighbor to make a space to change lanes, and there was no question that a turn signal was an announcement of intent, ("Yeah, sure pal, c'mon in".) not ever construed to mean " I'm going there, be moving for me now". Headlights were for night, or rain. Parking lights were for...parking. Music was for inside your own car. I'm going to have speakers installed under my car, and play A.M. Radio at Imperial Address Volume whenever I begin to hear the big bass sounds of puberty. I really wish these guys would take better care of their hearing, because 10 years from now my son isn't going to want to have to shout when he tells them he wants fries with that.

Part II.
I keep getting calls from telemarketers. I'm pretty sure that the "do not call register" was supposed to eliminate this intrusion, but now I'm past the anger (which I need to save for duty hours) and it's time to have some sport with them instead. Here's 3 ideas to make the life of telemarketers more fun:

1. Repeat exactly, everything they say.
2. I have two kids under 4 years of age. I find that this is a good age for them to arrange for goods and services over the phone, besides, it's just good socialization for my future home-schoolers.
3. Ask them what they're wearing. One of two things will happen. You'll meet someone you can buy lingerie for, or your creepiness will make them take a break for coffee, and a hand washing.

When I first met my wife, she was appalled that I never answered the phone when she would be at the apartment (bachelor cave) I'd say "But, you're here..." I only answered if it might be her. To be fair, she should have answered the thing anyway. She's the one that paid the bill to get it turned back on. She argued for a while before she realized that I only pay for something that provides for my needs, not the needs of telemarketers.
Oh well, what are you gonna do?

How Many Resolutions Does It Take?

chamberlain, originally uploaded by schadenfreude.

I’ve always felt that the U.N. Secretary-General, Kofi Annan was “one step beyond”, but this is just ridiculous. According to my favorite hot dog vendor (he sold hot dogs from a cart while a student at Macalaster College in Minnesota), the war in Iraq is naughty. “From our point of view and from the Charter point of view, it was illegal," Annan says.


Mr. Secretary-General….just how many resolutions does it take to get ANY action out of the U.N.? Should we call them “Good Ideas” instead of “Resolutions?”

“Peace in our time”? Is he channeling Neville Chamberlain?

I guess if he ran the U.S. the way he runs the U.N., we’d have capitulated to the Islamofascists. Of course, a John-John administration would put us in the same boat. The liberal internationalist agenda is always willing to surrender our sovereignty and self-determination to foreign “oversight”. Do you get uncomfortable when you think about U.S. troops fighting, nay, policing, under a U.N. flag? Protecting the interests of petty tyrants and tin-horn dictators across the globe? I know I do.

Back in July, nine members of the House of Representatives
sent a request to the U.N. to monitor U.S. elections on November 2nd. I mean, wow.


How much longer do you think the Republic will last? Our lifetime? Our children’s? I wonder.

There’s a theory that says the Roman Empire fell due to the gradual lack of concern on the part of her citizens. What I mean by that is, the more liberal their laws became, the more concessions they gave to special interest groups, the more they compromised their principles, then the easier it was for the Empire to fall apart.

Something to think about.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Thursday Diversion

Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

House Hunting In Paris

A coworker of mine has something he’d like to say. Those with delicate sensibilities or liberal leanings are duly warned. This guy is a Sergeant First Class in the Army. He is a naturalized American, originally hailing from the Philippines.

It’s all really very simple...if you don't like the way we live in this country, get out. We who love living here should make an example of Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin. Before the last presidential election, they threatened to leave the country if Bush won. I'm still waiting. I'd be glad to front the money for their one-way ticket to any country they choose, providing they hand over their US passports and do not come back.

Foreigners who become naturalized, like me, especially those who came from a third world country (Somalia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, certain parts of the Philippines and other places that makes our slums and ghettos here in the US look like paradise) have no business complaining how tough they have it here. They are free to go back to where they came from. I've served in the military for 17 years to protect and to pay back the country that greatly improved my standard of living. I came from a country where the poor are really poor. At least here if you're poor you can get government assistance (foodshelters and other perks exist here that you cannot find anywhere else in the world) and sometimes a small TV to watch, appliances to cook food, and a place to lay your head every night.

I hear people who came from somewhere else in the world talk trash about the US government. I say LEAVE ALREADY!!! Instead of complaining, how about a “thank you” for being allowed to stay here, a “thank you” for being allowed to have a car and a place to live. “Thank you” for the cold and hot water and the other perks to numerous to mention simply for living in the USA. Lastly, a “thank you” for the opportunity to be as successful as I want to be, because I am allowed to live here.

Again, if you don't like it here, don't just leave...GET THE HELL OUT!!!

I Need A Support Group

Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
I have a confession to make. It's not easy, so I imagine the best thing for me to do is just come out with it.

I have an addiction. To Starbucks.

I know what you're thinking. Hey, this guy's in the Army and he drinks frou-frou coffee.

I know. It's sad. What can I do?

I live in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. There is a chain of coffee shops up here called Caribou. I've tried their coffee. I'm not a fan. Nothing I can really put my finger on except their coffee is a little bitter.

In my attempt to break myself of this addiction, I'm going to try Gevalia soon. I sent away for the trial offer I think only for the free coffee pot.

All right, I have another confession to make.

The Starbucks I go to has really nice eye-candy, if you know what I mean. A couple of young, biologically pleasing coffee wenches.

Of course I'm a good husband and I'd never do anything untoward; however, one cannot help but look.

And look.

I'm going to hell.

A venti skim mocha, no whip, if you please. Thanks.

Wednesday morning diatribe

Why is it that Liberal Democrats feel some divine right to rule? I ask this because they don't have a desire to serve, rather a hunger for the influence of power. The rest of us are just dirty-necked peasantry (especially us poor, uneducated white trash, and our poor, uneducated black peers in the military) that they see from the windows of the limousines that we pay for. Perhaps I misunderstand the role of the federal government, as it is laid out in the U.S. Constitution. (I am just an uneducated...) Show me where it states that we are responsible for the welfare of the world beyond our borders. If the rest of the world cannot spend their resources providing safe drinking water to their own people, how is it our duty to force our standards upon them? Why is it that Egypt, who receives tens-of-billions of U.S. Dollars in aid from us, has a population that emphatically despises us? (a recent poll showed 99% of Egyptians "hate" the United States) Are we not selling our SUV's and buying them enough Evian? Saudia Arabia carded a similar anti-U.S. 97%. I guess that we need to elect a President that will confiscate more of my earnings to give them, since spending January-March of 1991 there to prevent them from becoming the 12th province of Iraq was not enough. I don't have the figures from Kuwait yet. Let's wait and see if those months in 1991, and seven more months freely given in 2003, elicit more customer happy results. They also still speak their own dialect of Arabic. By the way, I see French is still spoken in France, (no small wonder then, that the Germans didn't/don't support us) and there are many countries with warm-water ports that never did end up flying the Soviet flag. We just seem to pile up disenfranchised enemies. The Liberal Democrats want to follow in the steps of Benedict Arnold, and sell our plans to Westpoint for the price of warm welcome from the Euro-trash aristocracies that they so covet recognition from. Just remember not to get caught on our side of the fence fellas, General Washington had a neck-stretching party for John Andre.

So, before you vote for someone who thinks that the U.S. Constitution is superceded by the UN Charter, that someone else's sexual perversions ought to be protected by a code of silence and mandatory approval, that Holy Scripture cannot be read in public because it constitutes "hate speech", (yet somehow the Koran doesn't) and that lazy people should lounge around in their beds making babies that they either abort, or demand public payments for, (the tending for and spending of which make them too busy to get jobs) look around and see if that is really the behavior that want your kids to aspire to. My guess? There is a sufficiency of decent folk who are weary of being told by the democrats, and their activist judges, that they alone know what is best for us. Perhaps when they get their asses handed to them in November, the more conservative voices in the democratic party will smell the blood in the water, and stage a coup that would cause...well, Schadenfreude.

A word on the words

In order to keep our posts separate (for now), -On's posts will be in red. This way, you know who to direct your hate mail to.

Oh man, if only I were single

Teresa Kerry
Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
Wow. She's magically delicious!

The bovine Ms 'E' ; Felton emerges...

Senator Ed's wife was in town yesterday, and looking for bits of food that the wives of my deployed brothers may have dropped. This gal is..dare I say it...scarier than Ter-e-sah Kerry. She was discussing foreign policy with them (through their tears)and when a crying womans' hand had momentarily obscured her face from the camera, Ms Ed pulled it down. I guess that when you run for office, at least on a national stage, there's no way to keep Bessie down on the farm, and away from the banquet tables. Please John, keep her away from people who don't need more cameras shoved in their face to advance your career. I'm sure you can afford to have enough food ordered in to her trough at home.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Originally uploaded by schadenfreude.
I hope not as much as this guy.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Not offended? Read on!

OK, I'm not supposed to "officially" blog on political issues due to my status as an Active Duty soldier. That having been said, I feel I must comment on something as -En...not SSG -En. OK?

Now...this whole Catholic Democrat (Jumbo Shrimp, Military Intelligence, et. al.) can one be a Catholic AND a Democrat? Inquiring minds want to know.

I know what you're going to say. I know that Cardinal What's-His-Face from the US said that hey, as long as you vote for the candidate for other *more important* issues, you can vote for anyone who supports the wholesale slaughter of babies. That's cool with us!

Sounds like someone needs to check out canon law. I'm just saying.

The Church I was raised in said, sometimes stridently, that killing babies was in fact completely not a kewl thing to do.

Now, you may ask, how can I, SSG -En, a soldier who has been in three different wars, claim that it's not a good thing when innocents are killed.

Because it never is a good thing.

One could make the argument that hey, these are babies and SSG -En killed adults. What's the difference?

Honestly, none. Life is life and I get on my knees and beg God's mercy every day.

However (and this may just be a rationalization), I believe that what I did (and continue to do) as a soldier "defend[ing] the Constitution of the United States (not the people, not the land...the IDEA of the USA) against all enemies, foreign and domestic" is not an evil thing. I swore an oath to God that I would do my best to be a defender of liberty and life.

OK, sorry, went off on a tangent there.

Basic message to all political types is this: Stop hiding behind religon and claiming God is on your side. Hitler did it. The Taliban did it. The false piousness of these guys makes me sick. They don't even follow their own religious beliefs, yet they want to cram abortion and gay marriage down our throats and cloak their agenda in "Christian acceptance".

Please stop. And on that note, I'll stop, too.

Welcome to Schadenfreude!

Hello fellow traveller in the Blogsphere.....

and welcome, dear reader, to Schadenfreude. As this is my first foray into blogging, this will be a learning experience for me. I hope to improve my writing, grow a readership, gain influence and take over the world.

OK. Maybe not.

I will introduce myself in detail later. For now, you should know that I am a 30-something US Army Psychological Operations Soldier. Therefore, my opinions are deeply-held and not lightly shaken. I'm fairly conservative and married to the delightful and charming Mrs. -En. She is the mother to our beautiful six-year-old daughter.

Although I am a soldier, I am not of the demographic the liberals like to put all soldiers in. I'm college-educated and from the middle class. I'm not poor with criminal leanings, nor am I unable to find work anywhere else.

I'm a former police officer. I've worked in IT. In fact, I was happily working in IT when September 11th, 2001 happened. As with most Americans, my life was turned upside-down. I went back into the Army (after a 5 year break) and have been there ever since. I got to go to Iraq again (I was there for Gulf I), and discovered that I never really missed the place. The people are wonderful. The food, exquisite. The heat, bullets, and occasional missle/mortar attack I could live without.

That's enough about me for now. My collaborator and partner in this blog, -On, will introduce himself later.

Enjoy your stay. Please feel free to comment. I have a thick skin. Be advised, however, I do reserve the right to ban you from this site for anything in poor taste or just plain mean to your fellow visitors.